The Parking and Transportation Office may be required to change parking regulations as necessary throughout the year. Changes will be communicated by email, in SpiderBytes, and/or on our webpage.
The University reserves the right to change a vehicle’s assigned parking lot.
Please review the following regulations as they pertain to your vehicle.
General Information
- All cars, motorcycles, golf carts, and mopeds parked on the University of Richmond campus must be registered with Parking and Transportation and will be assigned a parking lot.
- If a vehicle is parked on campus and is unregistered, it may receive parking citations and/or may be towed from campus.
- All vehicles on campus must be properly licensed, inspected, and insured.
- All persons operating a vehicle on campus must be properly licensed.
- Family vehicles are the responsibility of the faculty/staff member or student when on campus. Make sure to obtain a temporary or visitor’s pass for all vehicles registered to your family when they are on campus.
- Faculty, staff, and students are considered University community members at all times. Therefore, they are not considered visitors when on campus.
- There is no overnight parking on the University of Richmond campus for faculty, staff, or commuter student vehicles.
- The regulations apply to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the University.
- The University of Richmond accepts no responsibility for a vehicle or its contents while parked or operated on University grounds.
- Vehicle registration fees and citation fines are paid to the Bursar’s Office.
Vehicle Registration
Faculty, staff, students and visitors are required to register any vehicle that will be parked on the University of Richmond’s campus. Parking permits or passes may be requested by completing and submitting an online vehicle registration form.
- All vehicles should be registered yearly, beginning in August of each academic year, and properly display a current parking permit by the first day of the fall semester or 24 hours after arriving on campus.
- You may register your vehicle in person or online.
- Vehicles are not considered registered until the pass or permit is correctly displayed on the vehicle.
- Permits must be permanently affixed to the left side of the vehicle’s rear bumper or to the lower left side of the rear window. Do not use tape.
- The annual registration fee will be charged to the student’s tuition account.
- A person may register those vehicles for which they are the owner or primary driver.
- Students may not register a vehicle owned or primarily operated by another student or another student’s family.
- You may register as many vehicles as will be operated on campus during the school year, though only one vehicle may be on campus at a time.
- Lost, stolen, or damaged permits will be replaced without charge.
- Temporary parking passes are displayed by hanging the pass from the vehicle’s rear-view mirror.
- If you drive a motorcycle, affix the permit where it can be easily seen.
- Parking and Transportation reserves the right to remove a vehicle from campus after it has received three or more unpaid citations for unregistered vehicle.
Permit Pickup/Delivery
- Undergraduate and law students will pick up their permits from the Parking and Transportation office; located in the Special Programs Building, 490 Westhampton Way.
- MBA, and SPCS students’ permits will be mailed to the address listed on the vehicle registration form.
- Faculty/Staff permits will be mailed to their departments.
- Please allow three days for processing.
Parking Outside Your Assigned Lot
- Special Events parking lot (C66) across from the Robins Center is available to all registered vehicles. This lot is closed to all vehicles during major events held in the Robins Center. NOTE: Special event dates may be advertised via Spiderbytes or by email. (EXCEPTION: Game Day Parking)
- Parking lot C61 is open parking to all registered vehicles between 3 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends. This lot is closed to all vehicles during major events held in the Robins Center or Robins Stadium. NOTE: Special event dates will be advertised via Spiderbytes or by email.
- Post Office parking spaces are open for postal business only and are restricted to 10 minutes between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
- Sorority Cottage Parking in W84 is marked on the asphalt as “Cottage Court Visitor”. Sorority members are allowed to park in these spaces while they are in the cottages. Overnight parking is not allowed.
- 15-minute spaces located in lot R43 are available for 15-minutes or less to faculty, staff, student, and visitor vehicles between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Unlimited parking from 5 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends. (EXCEPTION: Game Day Parking)
- 15-minute spaces located in lot R55 at Tyler Haynes Commons are available to faculty and staff for parking between the hours of 7:30 am and 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends.
- 30-minute spaces located in lot R47 are available for 30 minutes or less to faculty, staff, student, and visitor vehicles between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Unlimited parking from 5 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends. (EXCEPTION: Game Day Parking)
- 30-minute spaces located in the Special Programs parking lot W96 are available for 30 minutes or less to faculty, staff, and student vehicles between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Unlimited parking between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends.
- Parking Lot C70, and G Permit rows of Lot U6 are available to any registered vehicle Monday through Friday between the hours of 3 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. and all day on weekends. (EXCEPTION: Game Day Parking)
- Parking Lots C73 and C75 are available to any registered vehicle Monday through Friday between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. and all day on weekends. (EXCEPTION: Game Day Parking)
- Faculty and staff lots are available to student vehicles between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and all day on weekends, unless otherwise posted.
- Faculty/staff (‘E’) parking areas on Westhampton Way and Keller Road are available for student parking after 9 p.m. and before 7 a.m. daily.
Places You Cannot Park
- Special event parking (W85) on Westhampton Way is reserved for off-campus visitors and is restricted 24 hours a day.
- Reserved spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for vehicles assigned to those spaces. Towing is enforced.
- The Robins Center parking lots (C61-C75) and Richmond Way Parking Lots (R42-R49) may be closed to all vehicles during major events held in the Robins Center or Robins Stadium.
- Special Programs parking lot (W96) is reserved 24 hours a day for police vehicles and staff.
- Resident student parking lots are reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week for those vehicles assigned; all other vehicles will be cited.
- Multi-use parking lots (C61, W85, and W87) are reserved for assigned vehicles and off-campus event patrons.
- Transportation vehicle reserved spaces (W88) are reserved 24 hours a day for transportation vehicles.
- Richmond Way lakeside spaces are reserved for GRTC buses, UR shuttles, and Zipcar parking only.
- Other places you cannot park: No Parking areas; fire lanes; yellow-curbed or painted areas; on the grass; obstructing handicap spaces; places not designated for vehicular parking; blocking walkways or pedestrian traffic; blocking wheelchair ramps; creating a traffic hazard; parking in a lot or spaces reserved with cones, barricades, and/or signage.
Temporary Parking
Students having a vehicle on campus temporarily (up to four weeks in a semester) may purchase a temporary parking pass and will be assigned to parking lot C66 off College Road.
Prior Arrangement
Parking and Transportation will grant permission to students to park in other student lots up to four times a semester. Requests are made by contacting and receiving approval from Parking Services during business hours or by contacting the Police Department after hours. Approval must be gained before parking outside of your assigned area. If you receive a ticket while you are on the Prior Arrangement list, you must contact Parking Services within 10 calendar days of the receipt of the ticket to have it voided. Otherwise, you are responsible for the fine.
Summer Terms and School Breaks
All vehicles on campus should be registered and display a current parking permit or pass. Student vehicles may be parked in any resident or commuter student parking lot. Faculty/staff and visitor spaces are reserved for vehicles displaying a faculty/staff or visitor’s permit. Vehicles may only be left on campus with permission from Parking and Transportation Services.
Current students, faculty, or staff requesting to leave their vehicle on campus for any part of the summer, must complete and submit the summer parking form. All vehicles must be insured to be parked on campus.
Special Circumstances
- Report all disabled vehicles to the University Police Department immediately at 804-289-8715.
- In the case of Inclement weather, normal parking regulations still apply, unless otherwise announced by Parking and Transportation via Spiderbytes and/or email.
- Unlicensed or inoperable vehicles cannot be housed on university property even if the vehicle displays a current parking permit
- Abandon Vehicles
A vehicle will be deemed abandon and removed from the University of Richmond campus if:
- The vehicle is unlicensed or inoperable
- The registered driver is no longer a current faculty, staff or student
- If Parking and Transportation Services receives no communication from the registered owner