Disability or Physical Injury Accommodations

The University of Richmond provides two options for students with temporary mobility impairments due to physical injuries.

Option 1: Y-Pass 

Students with an injury or illness who need extra assistance getting around campus are eligible to receive a ‘Y’ Pass for their vehicle. A ‘Y’ Pass is a temporary accommodation, twenty days or less, that allows students to park their vehicle in all other student parking lots. It also includes unlimited parking in the 15-minute timed spaces on Richmond Way (lot R47), at the Tyler Haynes Commons (lot R55) and at the Law School (lot R43). This pass excludes a student from parking in reserved, handicap, visitor, or faculty/staff parking spaces.

A student may receive a ‘Y’ pass for up to 20 days without recommendation from a licensed medical professional or Disability Services. Students needing accommodations for a longer term must contact Disability Services to receive a recommendation for special parking.


Option 2: UR Short Term Mobility Impairment Parking Placard

                  (Must have recommendation from Disability Services)

Students with more significant injury or mobility issues are eligible to receive a Short-Term Mobility Impairment Parking Placard. This placard requires specific recommendations from a licensed medical professional and conferment with Disability Services. This placard allows a student’s vehicle to be parked in all other student lots, including unlimited parking in the 30-minute timed spaces on Richmond Way, near Robins Hall, 15-minute timed spaces on Richmond Way at the Tyler Haynes Commons (lot R55) and at the Law School (R43), as well as parking in any accessible parking spaces on the University of Richmond campus.

The Short-Term Mobility Placard cannot be renewed for the same injury or illness. Individuals who need disabled parking access for longer than two months or who desire off-campus disability access must obtain a state-issued placard from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

The short-term mobility impairment parking accommodations are offered to the University community as a mode of assistance for students in need. Due to the restrictions and limitation of parking options on campus, any misuses of these options will be classified as violation of the Student Conduct Policy with a risk of incurring additional fines from $150.00.

Faculty/staff members should contact Parking and Transportation Services at parking@richmond.edu to request special parking. 


For more information on the policy for special parking accommodations, please visit:

Parking Services

Special Programs Bldg.




Disability Services

The Refectory, Suite 127

 206 Richmond Way




Dept. of Motor Vehicles

2300 West Broad Street

Richmond, VA 23269

(804) 497-7100
